Medulloblastoma Title
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Useful Links:
Long Term Effects of Treatment
Cancer Patient Treatment Record



Special Thanks:
(for hosting website)

What is this site? This is a place to find information and hope in regards to dealing with issues surrounding brain tumors.
How does it work? By patients, parents, spouses and other loved ones sharing information, this site is a community effort to offer hope, encouragement and light in dark places as we travel the brain tumor journey.

To participate: register by entering your email address and making up a password. You can then login and enter info.

Who can participate? Anyone that has or cares for a person diagnosed with a brain tumor. It is okay if people are entered by more than one person. For example a mother and father can each record their child's experience. Because this is not a scientific survey but more of an information archive, the different views of the journey are welcome.
When should a person enter information? Please begin right away. Whether it is a recent diagnoses or it has been decades. You can add to and edit your information at anytime.


Standard Disclaimer: This site is designed for educational purposes only. The information provided through this site should not be used for diagnosing or treating a brain tumor, health problem or a disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have brain tumor, you should consult your health care provider.